Brereton Paddling - Two important announcements

Moderators: billfox, John K, AJMillest, thebunyans

Brereton Paddling - Two important announcements

Postby tongea » Wed Aug 09, 2023 11:13 pm

Brereton Paddling - Two important announcements

There will be no paddling at Brereton on Thursday 17th August 2023 - this is the day of Alan Armstrong’s funeral and we are cancelling the session as a mark of respect.

Unfortunately the warden team at Brereton have challenged our use of stand-up paddle boards at the site. This is a contravention of an existing rule that we had previously felt did not apply to our organised sessions. With immediate effect (I.e. from 10th August 2023) there will be no paddle boarding during club sessions. I know this will be a huge disappointment to some of you and please rest assured that we will try to enter into meaningful discussions with Cheshire East with the intention of allowing the use of paddle boards as part of our mixed craft paddling sessions on Thursday evenings and monthly Saturdays through the winter.

Kind Regards
Alan Tonge
Secretary MADCC
Posts: 42
Joined: Tue May 01, 2012 10:21 pm

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