Moderators: Neil Gunn, Colin Ardron, Julian Brown, Nancy


Postby Philip Barnes » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:08 pm

Please forward this info to runners you know who DON'T look at the forum!

A draft schedule for the off-road day has now been agreed;

The day is designed to cater to ALL levels, including those that have only contemplated off road running before.

09.30 - Registration at Teggs Nose Visitor Centre

10.00 - Introduction to Off Road Running - workshop style including all participants sharing their own experiences, led from front:
* Types of Off Road Running - XC, Trail, short Fell, long Fell, multi-day events.
* Kit - All runners to bring examples and prompted to discuss their favourite kit:
~Shoes and Socks
~general clothing
~Statutory Requirements
*Top tips to avoid injury - stretching, warm-up, warm-down, strapping

Navigation theory - top tips and route choices

11.00 - Outdoor Practical sessions - each 30mins
* Navigation Practical - teams of two navigate to a series of pre-arranged spots.
* Downhill Running - a graded session dependant on ability
* Rough Terrain Running Tips and practice - Tussocks, Heather etc

12.30 - Group run around Teggs Nose Country Park - session about 1 hour, split into ability groups and led by prearranged leaders (to be confirmed) - routes 4m - 8m?

- 13.45 - Return to Macc Sports Centre for Shower.

- 14.00 - 14.15 - Fish and Chip Lunch provided by Network from Mobile F&C van.
- 14.30 - 15.00(ish) Closing Talk/ Presentation - anecdotes/ experience/ notable event

I hope as many Macc harriers as possible will attend this. It may not be perfect, but it gets it off the ground and we will learn a lot from this one, and it is intended that we would run another event in late may.

If you want to get involved leading / participating in a group / setting out checkpoints etc, please contact me ASAP
"The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict."
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Philip Barnes
Elite athlete
Posts: 953
Joined: Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:51 am
Location: Bollington

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