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2006 Boxing Day Handicap

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:48 pm
by thebunyans
Any body got the details for the Boxing Day handicap? I haven't got anything on the website.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:37 pm
by Julian Brown
Ah John, the details are in the mag which I failed to give you on Sunday 'cos I'm forgetful - BUT if I remember tonight, will stuff through your door on the way home.


On Tuesday 26th Dec (you might be suprised to hear!)

10:30 am, froim Langley Village

Registration from 10am in the St Dunstan's inn

Plan A : non icy 4 mile super hilly road route

Plan B : icy off-road through the forest from Trentabank visitor centre - so bring your fell shoes just in case.

Prize Giving in the St Dunstan

No entry fee - bring a small present, the leading runners get the choice of the prizes.

Queries contact Pete Nolan 423414